Friday 26 August 2011

The Hollywood.

Hollywood started as a small town in the California desert, and became the entertainment capital of the world. In the early 20th century, film industry pioneers drawn to the area's mild climate, sunshine, varied terrain and large labor market set up studios in Hollywood and began producing movies.
Throughout the Great Depression and World War II, Hollywood movies provided Americans with entertainment, distraction and information. When television emerged as the next great media format, Hollywood soon also became the center of television show production. Today, the term "Hollywood" has become synonymous with the entertainment industry, and the once-independent town--now a part of Los Angeles--is a major tourist destination.
The famous HOLLYWOOD sign overlooking the city was built in 1923. It originally said "HOLLYWOODLAND," but the "LAND" section was removed in the 1940s when the sign was renovated.

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